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Those Giants
spills and thrills, Norse nonsense, plenty of action and humour …
RM, Brisbane, Australia
Karl, Finch and Erika discover telling lies is the new sport of the day. This time, the new school principal could be a fake. A tooth takes rottenness to a new level.
Norse giants invade the sewer, and a Viking with nine fingernails wants revenge. Karl, best friend Finch, and 21st-century newbie Erika chase answers. To catch them, they’ll need some lies of their own.
Does your teacher talk about thinking? Most likely, they do. Humans think all the time. Even when we think we’re not thinking, we are. Our brains churn away 24/7 thinking. It’s a natural process, almost like running, walking or talking.
Just like fast runners, there are quick thinkers. Being able to think fast doesn’t mean you’re thinking smart. It can, but most often, fast thinkers miss things. Smart thinkers, on the other hand, take their time.