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‘A really good story, definitely a 5 star rating.’
Trey (12 yrs), Canada
Those Vikings
Karl is a modern-day kid who’s dealing with a lot. Worst of all is the Dad Problem. Some dads can be so last century. Karl’s is more 9th century–the time of the Vikings, which makes him (hmm, take nine from this year, multiply by …) 1200 years old! Yeah, right! Probably.
Karl and his new friend, Finch, decide to investigate. They uncover a past filled with dangerous Vikings, an angry Norse God, and Erika, a girl who can outsmart them all.
Those Vikings is a tale of the fortunes and foibles of family and friendship. Set against the scary backdrop of a Viking invasion, it’s aimed at readers 10-12 years old.
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Chapter Chunk
Those Vikings
Erika stepped back from the cliff’s edge. She glanced at the bowman, who grinned an evil smile. He was close. His next arrow wouldn’t miss. Five more Vikings joined him.
They marched towards her. Erika looked over the edge again, then back to the Vikings. The rod she carried was a dead weight on her shoulder. Her throat bobbed as she tried to swallow. The cool air stung her eyes. The breeze tugged her breath away.
The Vikings closed in. Erika turned and hurled the rod off the cliff. Then she jumped after it.
Does your teacher talk about thinking? Most likely, they do. Humans think all the time. Even when we think we’re not thinking, we are. Our brains churn away 24/7 thinking. It’s a natural process, almost like running, walking or talking.
Just like fast runners, there are quick thinkers. Being able to think fast doesn’t mean you’re thinking smart. It can, but most often, fast thinkers miss things. Smart thinkers, on the other hand, take their time.