
I'd like to introduce you to my Noteworthy Index, a list of five essential Big Picture elements we aspire to as teachers. These things we do, often without realising it, significantly impact our students' learning experience.

  1. Build relationships with students. It is the number one you get to do. Learning is about people working together. Without positive relationships, learning won’t happen. (Repeat those previous six words before bed each night.)

  2. Establish a positive classroom environment. A classroom that feels like a cosy nook over a detention cell works wonders for learning brains. In a student’s eyes, an unfriendly classroom equates to an unfriendly teacher. It’s the first thing students (and their parents) notice. Don’t believe me? Create a detention cell feel and watch your relationships with students take a hit.

  3. Set clear expectations. This could be number one, but rules ain't going to be kept without solid relationships and a welcoming environment. Expectations won’t be met. And by Friday, you’ll be tearing your hair out.

  4. Now you’ve got them, engage them. You know what makes each of your students tick; you’ve got the cosy nook, and they clearly understand what you want from them. Don’t lose them with last century’s teaching styles. Use technology, incorporate hands-on activities, and differentiate instruction using group projects and discussions.

  5. Foster a growth mindset. I thought many of my teachers were people ‘who knew everything.’ Spoiler alert: we don’t! A teacher who learns and grows with their students is a teacher for the ages.

Mike Cooper

Writer, educator. connect discover think learn


