Have Faith
For me, one of the best times of the school day was the 15 minutes before the final bell. Although that appears as though I was hanging out for the day to end, that is not the case.
That final 15 minutes sometimes contained more learning than the time preceding it. It was a time to ask how everyone had fared during the day. So that you know – all answers were accepted with no judgment calls or discussion. I sometimes found recording the session helpful, so I didn’t have to rely on memory.
The added benefit was that it prepared my students to answer the question that parents love to ask: What did you do in school today?
If you're a teacher or a parent, you know the stonewall answer:
Nothing, or the equally non-committal standby–not much.
Let's not forget, our ultimate goal is to cultivate deep thinking skills in our students. Encouraging them to engage deeply with their learning is the most valuable gift we can give.
My 15-minute reflection session was one tool in the deep thinking development arsenal. Creating an environment where kids can express thoughts and discuss freely underpins the process.
Creating such an environment, as you may know, isn’t a walk in the park. It requires patience, perseverance, and, most importantly, some deep thinking. But rest assured, the results are worth it.