
As an educator, I am switched on to learning. I spent a teaching career intrigued by it, writing countless lesson plans to enhance it. Learning theories abound. Google it and the responses are numerous.

Learning is an essential part of our lives. We use it to make a difference in ourselves or the lives of others. A child acquires spoken language to communicate needs. Language makes a difference to the child’s life and yours as a parent.

The process of learning varies from person to person. Again, Google that; you’ll get more hits than you know what to do with. Some people learn mainly through observation, others by listening, and many through doing. We all use a combination of the three.

Learning begins small and grows as we acquire knowledge and skills. We also make mistakes. A child learning to walk stumbles many times as the brain coordinates the necessary functions of balance, position in space, foot placement, and muscle control.

Similarly, the first-time bicycle rider has a lot of cognition going on.

We take things we already know and build on them. Our skills become more refined, and our behaviour becomes more adept.

The best part is that our learning is unlimited and lifelong. It begins well before and continues well after school age. Each day, we create something based on what we’ve learned. The simple act of gardening creates a difference–a weed-free garden bed, a tidy lawn or a new planting. We learned and fashioned a change.

Mike Cooper

Writer, educator. connect discover think learn


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