Hit for Six!
This website lives in Australia. That’s why we used a cricket picture.
My mum sent me to the shop when I was a kid. It was down the road from my house, an easy walk downhill. Sometimes, she’d write a list. Most times, it was only three or four items. I didn’t take a list then; I said them over and over to myself–the repeat-to-remember trick.
I’m guessing you like watching sports. Those people are amazing, right? They can kick, hit, and shoot a ball with lots of skill. But maybe sport isn’t your thing.
How about dance? Have you watched dancers and how they move? They seem to float; their bodies twist and turn in every direction without any effort.
No? You don’t watch dancers? How about your favourite singer or band? Singers have unique voices, right? Many musicians play their instruments with their eyes closed. They feel their music.
Artists? How do they draw and paint so well?
What ties sports people, dancers, musicians, and artists together? Yes, they have excellent skills. But how did they get those skills? They didn’t wake up one morning with them.
They did what I did when I went shopping. They did the old repeat-to-remember thing. Another word for it is practice.
Practice is the best thing for improving yourself.