
We teachers are unique. We plant knowledge and skills without knowing how or where they’ll sprout. We are artists, writers, musicians, psychologists, mathematicians, counsellors, coaches, linguists, designers, and moderators. We care. We give a damn. When we need to, we kick ass. Above all, we nurture. We take accountability for each child who enters our classroom.

I retired from teaching in 2019. During my almost 40-year career, I taught every primary school age group (that’s elementary school for anyone outside Australia). I spent a teacher exchange year in Canada teaching Junior High School. I rose to the level of Principal, which brought an entirely new range of issues in addition to curriculum implementation.

Now, I am off the leash as a retiree. Learning and education still matter. Hence, the blog on this site. Please read, share, agree or disagree.

While I’ve got you, check out my stories. eBook samples are available on request by clicking here. They’re pitched at middle-grade readers.

Teacher Unleashed